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Which celebrities have bought NFTS?

Gwyneth Paltrow, Brie Larson, and Snoop Dog are among the many celebs who have bought NFTs. Pic credit: © S_bukley As the weeks pass, it’s becoming abundantly clear that celebrities love NFTs, also known as non-fungible tokens.

Who are celebrities in NFT space?

From those with a crypto industry background like Dileep Seinberg, Elon Musk and Justin Kan, to fashion models Kate Moss, Paris Hilton and rapper Snoop Dogg, celebrities in NFT spaces are diverse. Everyone seems to be talking about NFTs (non-fungible tokens), from famous celebrities to rich investors and Hollywood actors.

Who has a craze for NFTS?

An American media figure, Paris Hilton is another celebrity who has publicly expressed her craze for NFTs. She has launched also her own line of NFTs collection in collaboration with designer Blake Kathryn.

Who makes the NFT?

The NFT is designed by inBetweeners, a brand created by Bieber and cartoonist Gianpiero D’Alessandro. On Opensea, the inBetweeners is described as “a global community” that’s limited to 10,777 buyers.

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